
Satvik Padhiyar

From childhood, I have enjoyed spending time with computers and experimenting with different applications. Because my own life has essentially coincided with the rise of the modern computing industry, I can sense that there are still tremendous developments to come in this field. So it was natural for me to choose Information Technology as my Bachelor’s, and now, it is my central goal to continue my education in a more competitive, elite, and international environment.

My academic experience thus far has provided me with a wide range of practical knowledge and skills that will be immensely useful. Early in my undergraduate study, I was introduced to basic programming languages of C, C++, and Java. I understood the key features of each language and realized that one was an improvement of the other. Java being the most powerful and robust language of all fascinated me the most.


Driver Behaviour Analysis

Instead of investing lakhs on fancy cars, why not spend some of the safetyDjango, OpenCV, Mapbox

Bilateral News

What if we give user both the perspective of news and let him decided which way he wants to go!Django, JavaScript, Python, Tesseract OCR, Plotly








  • Aegon Life Insurance - Intern
    May 2019 - June 2019