I am good at classifying algorithm problem, ANN, CNN, RNN, NLP, logistic Regression, linear Regression, SVM. The most complex project i have done is a detection of diseases I have learned how to increase the efficiency of the algorithm and data cleaning. I have done various projects like classification of dogs and animals , prediction whether person will leave the bank or not , spam filter , prediction of survival(Titanic data set) ,classification of ingredients (wine data set)
This app detect drowsness of the person and wake up them if they fall asleep while driving.HTML, Bootstrap, Django, SciPySYEMANTICA
Never let your emotion down drag you down.!!OpenCV, Machine Learning, KaggleI-FIT
This app helps the patient to actually choose among the several options of hospitals, available rooms, book an ambulance or consult among best doctors based on their ratings and there profile.Firebase, Java, Android Studio, SQL, DialogflowSkills