
Sajal Tandon

I am proficient in a variety of programming languages including C, Python, JavaScript, Solidity, and Flutter. With experience in diverse domains, I have developed a versatile skill set. Among my notable projects is an AI object identifier created using Python, OpenCV, and TensorFlow, showcasing my expertise in computer vision and machine learning. Additionally, I have a strong understanding of blockchain development with Solidity, as well as mobile application development with Flutter. My passion for learning and problem-solving drives me to continually enhance my skills and explore new technologies.


a decentralized exchange (DEX) smart contract

The project described above is a smart contract that implements a decentralized exchange (DEX) on Zeeve Track. The DEX allows users to trade ERC20 tokens with each other.Solidity, web3.js, Truffle, and Zeeve Track

Bharat Voter

This is a web 3 application for voting in India. It is a decentralized application that uses blockchain technology to ensure that the votes are secure and tamper-proof.Solidity, MetaMask, Express.js, Tailwind CSS, React.js, Anon Aadhar


Unleash the Power of Your Cards in the Ultimate Decentralized Blackjack Experience!Solidity, Docker, Hardhat, Next JS, gotdot engine

Healthcare Tracking System

Empowering Healthcare Excellence: Your Trusted Path to Streamlined Patient CarePHP, CSS, JavaScript, XAMPP, GitHub, phpMyAdmin, Adobe Illustrator, Tailwind CSS, HTML5​,

AI Object Detection from Image

Empowering Visual Understanding: Streamlining Image Identification with Deep LearningTensorFlow, Keras, Tkinter, PIL (Python Imaging Library), ImageNet dataset.

