Saithya Sivadas
teamlead, Wipro
Kochi, India
I've been an enthusiast of financial technologies ever since I had my first experience working with a credit bureau like Equifax. Coming from a computer science background towards a financial tech space was an eye-opening journey over the past 6 years which educated me much more regarding the new updates happening in tech space. This enabled me to stumble upon Ethereum as a tool for building the next financial instruments to reshape the world as we know it.
I've been a Java developer mostly into backend technologies like Spring Boot. I've been connecting my knowledge of Spring Boot and the related Ethereum tools for Java like web3J to connect and experiment with the smart contracts. This has opened up my perspectives of consensus mechanisms which in turn helped to reshape my thoughts on building upon a new platform.
I've been working and experimenting with smart contracts with my knowledge of Spring Boot and I'm still continuing my journey as I believe there isn't any good time to start learning but there should be a start which I'm already on a path.