
Sai Meghana Yerramsetty

I believe technology has the potential to change the world and I want to be a catalyst in the change.
I prefer to be a generalist in tech and aspire to impact the lives of others through software engineering.
I am a  self-motivated and dedicated individual with a good amount of experience working with diverse teams.

Pool prize winner in ETH India 2022 & 2023.
I always had a knack for hackathons, Being the team lead my team got shortlisted to 3 national level hackathons which include AICTE Manthan 2021, Smart India Hackathon, Mindtree Ideathon.
I have presented a research paper on deep learning which is : Detection of diabetic retinopathy and suggesting precautions.
I have done an internship at Kognitive LLC as ReactJs Developer.
I have 3 stars on codechef and 5 stars on hackerrank platform.


Collab Canvas

A collaborative canvas which can be accessed by multiple users from anywhere in the world.Node.js, CSS, HTML5, Socket.IO, Express.js


Trust Delivered To Sow..Solidity, IPFS, Node.js, TypeScript, React.js, Push Protocol

Decentralized Collaborative Coding

A hands on AI based gateway to a shared adventure, empowering users to explore, learn, and create together in the fascinating landscape of Web3.Solidity, IPFS, MetaMask, JavaScript, Express.js, OpenAi, ejs, alchemy, Huddle01, Scroll


Making web3 funnier, one meme at a time :)Solidity, React, Next.js, Ethereum, Hardhat, Etherjs, Lighthouse, CORE DAO


Blockchain Development


  • Adison - Software Developer
    February 2024 - Present
  • Stratbeans - Software Developer
    January 2023 - January 2024