A Full Stack Web Developer having a good experience in frameworks like React, Next, and Preact. Trying to dig deep into blockchain technology to turn myself into a Web3.0 Developer
A decentralised platform to store blogs and retrieve them.Solidity, ethers.js, Netlify, Tailwind CSS, React Router, React.js, Hardhat, Polygon Testnet, Zustand(for state-management)MetaMusic
MetaMusic is a decentralised platform where artist and singers can showcase their work as NFT and they can earn rewards
for their work.Solidity, IPFS, React, ethers.js, Ethereum, Tailwind CSS, NFT, Polygon, Filecoin, ZustandSmart Irrigation System
An smart automated moisture detection system using moisture sensor.Arduino IDE, Arduino, Soil Moisture Sensor, RELAYLensPlay
Lensplay is a decentralized video-centric social graph built on top of Lens Protocol. It is designed to empower creators to own their social graph,forming a fully composable, user-owned social graph.GraphQL, React Native, TypeScript, Livepeer, IPFS / Filecoin, Lens Protocol, ZustandLensPay
Simplified Payments using lens handlesSolidity, ethers.js, nextjs, chakraui, Arcana, Zustand, Push ProtocolBlockTalk
Chat on-chain without any boundariesExpo, React Native, Lens Protocol, XmtpConnections
Fostering genuine Connections through incentivizationSolidity, React Native, TypeScript, Filecoin, alchemy, EF: Account Abstraction, Xmtp, BASEZeneth
One-click cross-chain DeFi optimization for maximum returnsSolidity, Next.js, AAVE, Tailwind CSS, BASE, BasenameSkills