
Sagnik Basak

I am a technological enthusiast pursuing BTech in CSE from HITK. I have basic knowledge of Webdev(as a full stack) but I am more of an ML guy. I am good with languages like Python, JavaScript, Java and C++. I have been learning ML for past few months and have depth knowledge about it. My past projects have been like *Cloudburst Prediction System" for SIH where I was qualified in my Intra College Hackathon and "Trend/Cluster Analysis, Data Prediction and Anomaly Detection System" for which I was qualified in the final rounds and went to Faridabad. My other projects include using three.js for a project in Nasa Space Hackathon and Stock Prediction at IIT Kgp Hackathon.


Project KAVACH

A one stop platform for Knowledge based AI Verification for Analysis of Cashflow Fraud HandlingJavaScript, Flask, Machine Learning, Google Colab, Python, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Plotly, HTML/CSS, Replit


Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Data Science