Hi, I am Ronnit Mirgh, a student at IT branch of Dwarkadas Jivanlal Sanghvi college of Engineering.
I m good at competitive programming. I take part in various contests on codechef and love to solve them and earn ranking. I know C, C++ and JAVA language.
I also have knowledge about web development including both frontend and backend. I do web development using Javascript and NodeJs. I have even made many projects which you can check it out on my GitHub account: https://github.com/Ronnit3012
Resume: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1rIEtXVdPzCpK1eHzEYT1eGvx5lSY0IL9
A Personal Coach
Practice like a champion...HTML, SQLite, Express.js, Tailwind CSS, Handlebars.js, NodejsRoots of India
Explore the hidden gems in rural IndiaHTML, Node.js, JavaScript, Express.js, MongoDB, axios, Tailwind CSSCode Diggers
Keep It SimpleWebSockets, MongoDB, Tailwind CSS, Express, Node, Handle BarsHealth At Home
Connect | Consult | CareNode.js, Firebase, MetaMask, Redux, Flutter, MongoDB, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Tesseract OCR, Jitsi, React.jsHueTell
Thanks to HUETELL, customers can view their homes with a proper perspective.TensorFlow, PyTorch, Deep Learning, MERN stack, Neural NetworkSkills