
Ronik Dedhia

I am a Machine Learning Enthusiast and aim to develop products that will solve the actual world problems. I have studied Diploma in Information Technology from SBMP. Meticulous in my approach, I look to leverage strong programming skills as a developer in
Data Science and Python.


Muscle Construction

We aim to streamline business processes and empower the ground workers in unorganized Construction Labor sectorLaravel, REST API, MySQL, Google Maps API, Tesseract OCR, Convolutional neural network (CNN), React.js, nextjs, Razorpay, MaterialUI

Study Buddy

An all in one solution for schools and students to manage various academic and non-academic problems using machine learning algorithms and incentivizing students for growth by rewarding their effortsFlask, React Native, MongoDB, Nodejs, reactjs, Random Forest Classifier, Chakra UI


Machine Learning
Data Science
Web Scraping