Unconventional Problem Solver trying to gather and appreciate Ideas with strong reason. Currently exploring the intricacies of Intelligence as a whole, Artificial as well as Natural.
A retro-like game to give you a boost in your excercise routine!Python, PyxelChargeSwap
A Blockchain-based EV-Battery swapping solutionReact, Arduino, ESP32, Tailwind CSS, Biconomy, web3.js, Hardhat, Polygon, IPFS / Filecoin, Push ProtocolHuntly
The first cross-platform mobile application that brings people closer to the physical environment and forms meaningful connections by organizing real-world Treasure Hunts for free and winning rewards.Flask, Flutter, Figma, Google Maps API, Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), Django rest framework, sklearn, ReplitGreen Trust
GreenTrust offers a novel solution for obtaining certification in organic farming by organizing credible and decentralized Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGSs).Solidity, IPFS, React, Next.js, Chainlink, Tailwind CSS, Superfluid, Arcana, Polywrap, MantleSkyNet
Decentralised ML across the interent, powered by ZK.Solidity, React, Rust, Arbitrum, Tauri, Push, Scroll, EZKL, Waku, LightstorageKhoj
Participate in AI-personalised treasure hunts where each clue is a physical location. Earn on-chain rewards and onboard a million usersSolidity, TypeScript, React.js, Lit Protocol, Huddle01, BASE, coinbase sdk, Walrus, True Network, Anthroipic AISkills
- Hexagon AB - Project Intern
July 2022 - Present
Working on a project to research and Implement Ashby charts.
- Easycompany - Full Stack Developer
December 2021 - May 2022
Implemented a back-end in Django rest framework and containerized it in docker.
◦ Use of NextJs & React Front-end to develop a gamified forum website related to travelling.