
Ritik Garg

I am pursuing Electronics and communication engineering with minor in computer and science engineering. I want to be a full stack developer. I am very enthusiastic to learn and code.. I am doing competitive coding since few years on hackerrank and codeforce. I am always keen to contribute in open source projects. I had done open source project in which I had successfully develop auto ML pipeline, in which it will automatically detect each day plant image and process it and show final result as per requirement, it take input image which contain multiple plant in one image, model process it and finally differentiate each plant in images and print variation of index respect to plant of previous day (image), its input image is each day plant image, it will also automatically detect health status from previous day plant, and give warning if health of plant is very poor in respective image.


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Why search around for the prices? The sources of your product is just a click away.CSS, HTML5, Python

Bed Tracker

Know nearby available hospitals in one click and sort using many filters.PHP, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, MySQL, Google Map API.​


Adobe Illustrator