Raghav Bang


Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Data Science
Skill iconKubernetes
Internet of Things

Developer Intern- ML,CV and IoT, VAMRR Technologies

Pune, India

Hello, I am Raghav Bang. I am pursuing my B.Tech in CSE specialization in Intelligence system from MIT SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, Pune. My interest in technology made me choose CSE. My first step in CS was in 12th Standard when I opted for Computer Science subject. I have done various project using C++, C, Python, etc. I have skills in technology like ML, DL, IoT and data science. Now I am focusing on cloud technology. Few projects which I have done are Alarming system, Home automation using cloud technology, Finding Pneumonia, etc. Also, I like to share knowledge with my colleagues and students. I have conducted a workshop in college based on python and IoT. I was selected as DELL Campassador for the academic year 2018-19. And now I am selected as IEEXtreme 13.0 Competition Ambassador. I possess the confidence to learn new things and apply them instantly. I love to learn and teach others. Because I believe in the thought that Education should not be a barrier for any person. My dream is to make India the Silicon Valley of ASIA