
Ramees AR

Hi, I am a Full-Stack/Blockchain Developer.
Working as full time for North of Zero as full-stack developer and doing side projects and freelance in Blockchain tech.



Making IRL events betterSolidity, GraphQL, MongoDB, React js


RESTful API Design


  • XpeDes - Software Engineer
    June 2022 - April 2023

    Started as a Backend Developer and working my way thru Frontend Developer by developing projects on HTML, CSS and React Native. Also learning Blockchain on parallel.

  • Yunifit - Backend Developer
    February 2021 - May 2022

    Started my role as manual testing and developed myself as a backend developer learning JavaScript, GraphQL and PostgresSQL. Worked for a Gym management based application project.

  • North of Zero - FullStack Developer
    February 2023 - Present

    Working as a FullStack developer in builing both Web and Mobile application on varies technologies and frameworks like React.js, next.js for Frontend and nest.js, express.js in backend.

    Expertise in both RESTAPI and graphQL also having good experience in postgres database.

    Works on both AWS and DigitalOcean for Server Deployments, Domains and other microservices.

  • Freelancer - Blockchain Developer
    February 2023 - Present

    Freelancing for various clients in writing smart contract using solidity.
    Open to Work with anyone.