
Ramansh Sharma

Hi! I am a freshman at SRM Ramapuram, Chennai. I studied at The Bronx High School of Science, New York, for the past four years where I was introduced to the wonderful field of computer science. Since then, I have attended many hackathons, MLH or otherwise, and learnt a lot from them. I try to maintain an active GitHub account (id: ramanshsharma2806) where I put all of my major projects. I am proficient in Python, MATLAB, Java, HTML, CSS, and Javascript (basic). I am extremely interested in Machine Learning and Deep Learning, and aspire to pursue these magical fields after my studies. I have completed the Stanford ML course on Coursera and the Neural Networks and Deep Learning course (also on Coursera), the first of the 5 deeplearning.ai specialization courses. I am currently working towards a Neural Network project to classify MNIST images to implement my new knowledge on the topic.
I am extremely excited to meet like-minded exploring and curious friends at this hackathon!


Read It Easy!

Tired of reading long strenous books, novels, and research papers assigned to you? Well, worry no more, with out text summarizer, you will get your personalized summary in snippets of cards.Flask, Gensim, Machine Learning, Flutter


Machine Learning