
Pushkar Borkar

I am a builder. I have been participating in various virtual hackathons and conferences, building cool projects for just over a year. Through one of these hackathons, I was lucky to find a team with whom I started a DAO tooling startup. Simultaneously in the Summer of 2022, I interned at Nuance Communications Pvt. Ltd. as an SDE Intern, where I learned about the industry norms for managing a Saas Product and learned how code is written in the real world. Now, I am perfecting my Solidity and React skills and also dabbling into some Rust.



Bring Out Your Inner Musk! #BUIDL Industries on a digital and truly decentralised Mars!Solidity, Ethereum, The Graph, Uniswap, NFT, Portis, Truffle Suite, Polygon, react spring, React UseGesture

GHODA.crypto - Shatranj

HODL your Horses! Own your A-Game like never before. Each win can mint an NFT and tell the story of your triumph for the next eternity!!!IPFS, React, Infura, Filecoin, moralis, chess.js, StackOS

Panda Wallet

Where Web3 meets the Lazy!React, Hardhat, chakraui, ether.js, EF: Account Abstraction, EIP 4337




  • Teknuance Info Solutions - SDE Intern
    May 2022 - July 2022
    • Implemented best Git Practices and Coding Practices and learned to stay consistent in commits and code.
    • Learned and implemented Test Driven Development and prevented extra effort in testing.
    • Practiced Agile Methodology of Project, participated in scrum meetings, backlog refinements, and details about agile cycles like epics, stories, spikes, and tasks.
    • Practiced working collaboratively both technically and behaviorally, solved issues as a team, and swam with various team members to deliver the best code.