I started my technical journey as a C programmer. Later on, in March 2017, I switched to Web Development wherein I have interned with SSS Web Solutions and helped them in creating front-end of their educational application. I have then interned at National Ilan University, Taiwan in December 2017, as an Artificial Intelligence and Multimedia Network intern. Later on, in 2018, I presented a review paper on Blockchain Applications in HealthCare at the 7th International Conference on Frontier Computing, Malaysia (Paper ID: FC-ESMD-005). The paper will be included in the conference proceedings as one of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) series published by Springer. I have then interned with the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, as a Blockchain Coordinator and was responsible for reviewing and helping my team understand blockchain concepts. I then interned with XinFin Organisation, as a blockchain developer where I was deeply involved with XDC-01 protocol, a hybrid-blockchain protocol. I have proposed and implemented various enterprise solution compatibility for XinFin Virtual Machine. Recently, I was honoured to get selected among top 100 by DoITC, Government of Rajasthan in Student Startup Exposure Program, an initiative through which students from Rajasthan, India are given a fully-sponsored trip to visit Silicon Valley. This program involves learning about Global Startup Ecosystem through various workshops and trainer-led sessions at SanFransisco, USA.
Team details (Team number 100): https://istart.rajasthan.gov.in/startup-student