Hi, I am Priyanshi Sharma, an undergraduate student pursuing my degree in Computer Science and Engineering at National Institute of Technology, Raipur.

I have looked into and worked around an immense variety of technologies such as back-end using Django REST Framework, front-end using React, machine learning, chatbots using AIML and Dialogflow et cetera alongside being pretty active and participating in events that encourage me to learn. I'm always willing to participate in something that helps me learn and grow.

I primarily use C++ for practicing Data Structures and Algorithms and Python for Backend Development.

Participation and efforts aid my problem solving skills, no situation, no question is too difficult to not be solved. I also have strong foundations of data structures, algorithms and coding fundamentals which help me understand and alleviate problems.

I am blessed to live in a world of technology which aids my effort and gives wider exposure. Consistently pursuing this developed adaptability in me, self-respect and self-awareness such that I take my time to truly understand and bring out the best of anything I set my eyes at.

I also have a knack for writing in English and Hindi, which actually makes my explanations sharp, understandable and helpful.

I have had a journey full of learning, and am looking forward to learn and grow!