
Prashant D

Hey! I m UI UX Designer and frontend Dev with a passion for creating and delivering elegant, innovative design solutions. With +2 years of experience working with multiple web3 companies and startups.

I've also had practical experience working with web3 companies and Startups, like SecureDApp, Gigshub where I made significant design contributions to projects.


NFT Craft

On-chain game in which user can play with NFT'sReact, next, Cairo, EF: Account Abstraction, StarkNet, Argent X, Warp, on-chain game

Matic name service

Naming service in polygon chainSolidity, React, remix, nextjs, Web3js, Etherjs


Decentralised card game in avalanche chainSolidity, React, Hardhat, Web3js, Ethers, Truffle

NoCodify - V2

"Empowering anyone to create decentralized website effortlessly"HTML, CSS, Django, JavaScript, AJAX, Python, Polygon, Replit, verbwire


"Effortless Web3: Creating Applications with No Code"HTML, CSS, Django, AJAX, Java, MySQL, Python, Grapejs


EduGamer - Where learning meets game (Gamification Of EduTech)Solidity, Django, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, WebThree


Empowering anyone to create decentralized websites effortlesslyDjango, JavaScript, AJAX, Python, Web3, HTML/CSS, Replit, Polygon (Matic)


Empowering crypto transaction with aliases, not addresses!Golang, HyperSDK


BlockBattle: Next-Gen On-Chain Autonomous Multiplayer GameSolidity, JavaScript, Next.js, Blender, reactjs, Polygon, React Three Fiber, Polygon Mumbai Testnet, Gaming, Mantle

CryptoPyar - Discover Your Perfect Match in Web3

Where Privacy and Genuine Connections Go Hand in HandSolidity, Python, TypeScript, Polygon, Next JS, move, aptos, Nada, diamante


The multiplayer survival shooting game built on the Base chainSolidity, Next.js, Redux, Git, Blender, Three.JS, Tailwind CSS, ThirdWebSDK, BASE, OnchainKit

ZkBlock - Build, Play, Own

A blockchain-based game where players win coins and diamonds, build unique worlds, and sell them as NFTs in a decentralized marketplace.Solidity, IPFS, MetaMask, NFT, Nodejs, reactjs, nextjs, Mantle, Scroll


UI/UX Designing