
Joshua Porporino

I have an unhealthy obsession with programming smart contracts


Split Estate

A program that allows anyone to buy a fraction of an apartment complex and earn rent payments, and also an in-house marketplace to buy and sell fractions.Solidity, React, JavaScript, GitHub, remix, Auth0, Polygon, tailwind, Replit, apy hub

SAAVE Finance

Simplify DeFi with SAAVE on Polygon: Start earning today!Solidity, Next.js, AAVE, Chainlink, Livepeer, Polygon, Arcana, Curve Finance, Quicknode, Push

Lion Bridge

Allows users to bridge tokens from one EVM chain to another EVM chain using the Axelar network. The contract enables users to swap tokens and liquidity providers to earn fees.Solidity, React, ethers.js, Arbitrum Rollup, Tailwind CSS, Remix (IDE), Hardhat, Avalanche, Axelar

