
Piyush Pareek

I started engineering with no coding background from my 1st year and then started having interest in c programming. In my second semester i joined a club in college in publicity domain, which organizes fresher party and some tech events, used to play football and cricket, and exploring chennai, at the end of my 1st year i had good working knowledge on c and c++. Then in my second year i joined 4zeRacing team as a corporate associate we bring sponsor and some graphic design work and participates in national level formula student event which is FORMULA BHARAT, later i started learning different data structures and algorithms and moved towards the basics of competitive programming with python and c++ during this i started having interest in web designing and development. In my fourth semester i joined webarch club as a graphic and web designer because i was good at photoshop as well. Created some basic projects on web development. At the end of my 2nd year i left my first club which i joined in 1st year. In my 4 to 5th semester i learned MERN stack and created facebook, netflix clone, a real time chat web application using MERN technologies and some other web applications. After my 2nd year i got two internships from internshala, one as a web designer and other as a graphic designer of 1 and 2 month respectively. Later i joined a training internship for artificial intelligence using python of 2 months, frankly speaking that was not much resourceful, so i learned myself various Machine learning and deep learning algorithms and created some projects like face detection using opencv and python, CNN classification whether the image is of a dog or a cat using python and neural networks, detecting whether the person is wearing a mask or not using CNN, opencv and python, converting text to speech and speech to text using python build in libraries, etc.
Now i am a good MERN stack web developer and machine learning enthusiast.
Looking forward for some good internships.
And increasing my knowledge in web dev and artificial intelligence field.
Later my next more focused field is competitive programming and learning flutter and react native.
I am much fascinated about web development technologies and artificial intelligence how it may change the way of human living.



Your Safety Is Everything to us.React, Node.js, JS, HTML5, JSON, CSS3, Express.js, MongoDB, axios


'Justalk' allows people to register themselves on it and create separate chatrooms to interact with each other through text messages with great security.React, Node.js, CSS, Socket.IO, Express.js, MongoDB Atlas, mongoose


Deep Learning
Adobe Photoshop


  • Caramel IT Services - Web developer Intern
    April 2020 - May 2020

    Successfully completed my first internship as a web developer. Learned a lot about working professionally and various web development technologies.

  • Alkras Online - GR
  • Alkras Online - Ga
  • Alkras Online - Gra
  • Alkras Online - Grap
  • Alkras Online - Graphic
  • Alkras Online Services Ltd. - Graphic design intern
    May 2020 - July 2020

    Worked on designing different certificates, posters, banners, thumbnails, illustrations, brochures, logos, templates, etc. for a number of clients of the company.

  • Team Webarch - Graphic and web designer
    February 2020 - Present
  • Team 4zeRacing - Corporate Associate
    September 2019 - April 2020

    Participated in FORMULA BHARAT 2020 a national level formula student event.