
Parag Jain


Skill iconPython
Skill iconSolidity
Skill iconJavaScript
Skill iconNodejs

Gwalior, India

I am really good at the coding stuff like android app development and Backend Using NodeJs. I would really like to work in a team environment for a hackathon. I want to improve Project management skills and gain experience by working in a time restricted environment.
I am currently working on a startup named Ezligy that aims to provide legal services and solutions. I am working as an Android and Backend Developer. The links are
Playstore Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.otssolutions.ezsteno
Landing Page
I Know it's quite a simple Project if we think in terms of the tech but I am really proud of it. This is my first project which I have built from scratch to the deployment phase. The application provides a unique way which drastically reduces the time and cost of drafting a document for the courts. My Btech Project is on providing Ethereum based KYC solution. My team has written a research paper on it and we will be publishing the paper in the Springer Journals. I am very much Interested to learn and gain experience from the hackathon, so please accept my request.