
Vivek Pandith

As an undergrad in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, a Research intern at the Indian Institute of Science in the Cloud systems lab. I am working on Serverless platforms such as OpenFaaS and OpenLambda, by deploying Real-Time applications such as Video Surveillance, Network Function Virtualization, and Web Inferencing applications. I am finding my way through the complexities of intricacies of Data Science focusing on Deep Learning—currently a Data Science intern at MI4People, a renowned German NPO. I love to gain insights and intelligence from the vast data that we produce. I love training neural nets and dwelling on the intricacies of their architectures. All that aside, I've been into DAOs for a while now. Currently contributing to the CrunchDAO, a DAO for data scientists. It's been fun working with these cutting-edge tech of course having the fundamentals of CS upright. So that's me.



A transparent , anti-counterfeiting and fair supply chain system to provide pandemic supplies ( covid vaccine) through 4 stages i.e. Manufaturer -> Supplier -> Vendor -> Customer using blockchain.Solidity, Next.js, GraphQL, Python, Ethereum, The Graph, Ml, Polygon, StackOS, Push


Buy. Conquer. Grow. As a community.Solidity, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, wormhole, Sui Move


Unleash your inner mangaka with our decentralized platform transforms text prompts into stunning manga strips, connects creators with fans, and lets you support your favorite artists with just a clickNode.js, Next.js, TypeScript, Generative Advarsarial Networks (GANs), Arbitrum Rollup, Celo, Polygon, Polygon Mumbai Testnet, Huddle, Scroll


Machine Learning
Deep Learning


  • MI4People - Data Science Intern
    May 2022 - Present
    1. Research and Engineer to solve a problem using AI and ML techniques.
    2. Currently building an X-Ray image processing model to increase efficiency in radiology.
    3. Interact and gain the seniors' skills, experience, and knowledge.