
Priyank Naik

Hello my name is Priyank Naik. I am highly motivated to participate in the hackathon. I have mastered the backend development skills perfectly with work experience of 2 months . I am ready to give my best and the main motive of my participation is to gain motivation and experience.


Service in clicksHTML, CSS, JavaScript


Exploring the Animal Kingdom Using AITensorFlow, Keras, Machine Learning, Python, Blockchain, Solodity, PythonKivy

End to End Python ML Project:Real Estate Company .

This project uses Jupyter notebook to give information using various attributes ,the concepts like cross validation,train-test splitting stratified shuffle split,cross validation and sampling are usedPython, Jupyter Notebook, Microsoft Excel, train test splitting algorithm


ECommerce WebsiteDjango, JavaScript, AJAX, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap​

Attendance system with A.I face recognition

Marks attendance by scanning face of employees.Django, OpenCV, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, HaarCascades, Django rest framework

Movies Recommender System

Recommends movies based on your mood.Machine Learning, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Jupyter Notebook, Streamlit

Django rest Framework(ToDo)

Makes use of django rest frameworks and APIs.Django, Tailwind CSS, Django rest framework

Laptop Price Predictor System

It predicts the price of the laptop based on the configurations that you apply.Machine Learning, Jupyter Notebook, Streamlit


System used for chatting.Django, AJAX, Django rest framework


It is a 3D game developed using Python framework Kivy.Kivy, PythonKivy

Heart Disease Predictor

This project is built with the help of Streamlit . The algorithm used is Random Forest Classifier with the accuracy of 87%.The preprocessing techniques like scaling ,encoding,SMOTE is also performed .scikit-learn, Machine Learning, Matplotlib, Python, Seaborn, Streamlit


Machine Learning
Deep Learning


  • Python Django Developer Intern - Intenship
    July 2023 - Present

    XIRCLS- Collaborative Marketing Network
    Develop cutting-edge software & serviceability tools in Python &Django, MySQL
    Plan software architecture
    Gather functional requirements from clients and support them in technical queries
    Create/Work on complex algorithms
    Versioning of Software
    Managing servers
    Reviewing Code
    Testing & Bug fixing