
Idris Olubisi

Idris is an accomplished software engineer and technical writer with expertise in open source, blockchain, software products, and serverless technologies.

As a Developer Relations Engineer, Idris combines extensive industry knowledge with a passion for inspiring and empowering fellow developers.

Idris has garnered millions of views with a proven track record of contributing to reputable publications such as Freecodecamp, Section Engineering, Logrocket, Media Jams (Cloudinary), AppSmith, ImageKit, Aviyel, Hashnode Web3, Alchemy, Infura, and Moralis. His expertise and thought leadership have made him a highly sought-after developer relations engineer, fostering valuable relationships with key stakeholders, including developers, engineers, and product managers. Furthermore, Idris leads strategic initiatives and collaborations with influential teams and individuals.

Idris actively engages with the developer community through various channels such as meetups, boot camps, hackathons, lectures, spaces, and training programs. He founded Web3 Afrika, a developer community dedicated to onboarding, supporting, and educating web3 builders. Additionally, he serves as the Backend Lead at SheCodeAfrica, a thriving coding community with over 40,000 active female participants.

He is recognized for his exceptional ability to aggregate feedback from the developer community, prioritize feature requests, and align internal organizations with the needs of developer partners; Idris brings a unique perspective to his work. He has captivated audiences with his compelling talks, workshops, and live coding demos, both virtually and onsite, inspiring and educating fellow professionals.

Idris's commitment to excellence, broad expertise, and profound impact on the developer ecosystem set him apart as a visionary leader and influencer in software engineering.



Launch, Test, and Earn!Next.js, TypeScript, The Graph, Stripe, Xmtp, BASE, COINBASE SMART WALLET, Paymaster and Bundler, Stack.so

