A Full Stack Developer with an ability to learn and collaborate to provide better results. Worked with
SCSS, Javascript, NodeJS, MongoDB, and ReactJs for more than 1 year. Eager to tackle real-world
problems by designing applications to achieve a lasting impact on user experience
Made the design system using scss, animations and
the entire website responsive for desktop, tablet,
and mobile.
Feature Development: Studyplan to extract
syllabus from an image and get the compiled
videos for the chapters with a rich text editor for
taking notes, log-in, Signup, payment, admin
dashboard for QNA, UI for the teams page, etc.
Made a feature that got us to the final funding
Responsible for SEO optimization, sitemap,
affiliates integration, responsiveness on mobile
and tablet,
Fixed Graphql errors, bugs on production, UI of
our secondary brand Elated made using shopify.
As a lead developer for automated testing utilized
Cypress for our Next.js website for reliable