I am a TYBtech IT student from DJ Sanghavi. I love coding and creating. I am always looking forward to learning new things, gaining new experiences and enhancing my skills. I am the GDSC lead of our college and I am also part of the WE program offered by Talentsprint and supported by Google.
Healthify Moms
https://github.com/sharmaanj200/SheBuilds2023/tree/mainjQuery, HTML, Bootstrap, React, CSS, Django, JavaScript, Machine Learning, tailwindSpendSense
Spend If You CanFirebase, Dart, Python, Flutter, Google Maps API, FirestoresimplifAI decor
buikd you dream homeReact, Artificial Intelligence, django-oscar, Artificial Neural NetworkSWAYAM
"Empowering Independence, Embracing Inclusion: Swayam" - Accessible Tech at Your Fingertips
Making tech accessible for all individuals promoting inclusivity and empowering the differently abled.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, spaCy, Python, Flutter, NLP, sigmalSkills