
Nishita Gole

I am very interested in coding and becoming software engineer and want to show the talent and get benefit from it , the most interesting thing for me is developing great things using app or Web which will be useful to me as well as others. I am not a professional but I just started the journey and will continue it to the end . Willing to participate and win more hackathons.


Fintruist 2022

Decentralized, Deliverable based charitable crowdfunding 🌏💸,Solidity, MetaMask, Ganache, web3j, HTML/CSS, Auth0, React.js, Twilio Rest API, moralis, botdoc

The Giving Tree

Secret donations are outdated! Show the world that you donate!!!React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB Atlas, mongoose, React Router


Basic of Python
Html Css Javascript Bootstrap