I am a second year CSE student . i have my keen interest in problem solving and competetive coding.
Detector Surge
No Tumor Can Hide From Spy Surge EyesTensorFlow, NumPy, pandas, Deep Learning, Matplotlib, Google Colab, Python, GitHub, Keras CNNMulti-Lingo
Translations you can trustPHP, Flask, OpenCV, Java, Google Text-to-Speech API, Python, Google Translate API, Tesseract OCR, PyPDF2, HTML/CSSClade-Alerta
Be prepared! Be aware! Be givinggJavaScript, Flask, Python, Folium, Twilio, HTML/CSS, smtplib, NASA APIAgromate
Agromate One stop Solution for Landlords lending their Lands plus A full Fledged Agro Mart for Consumers to Get High quality and Nutritious Fresh Vegetables, Fruits Cereals and PulsesGoogle API, ResNet, Ml, Frontend, Bootstrap​Agrolenders
Cultivating Innovative Ideas for GrowthHTML, CSS, JS, Flask, PyTorch, Python, Ml, DL, FrontendLearnUp
LEARN EXPLORE COLLABORATENode.js, JavaScript, Embedded Javascript (EJS), MySQL, CSS3, sequelize.js, Express.jsSkills
Data Structures