I am a web3 developer at dOrg and currently contributing to Polywrap DAO. I have also contributed to Opolis, Coordinape, Llama, and Yearn.fi in past.
Indian Crypto Rupee
A Stable and Reliable Crypto for Digital IndiaExpress.js, MongoDB Atlas, Paytm API, Solodity, web3.js, Truffle SuiteCryptomafias
Online Multiplayer Mafia party game built on Ethereum. Stake coins! Win the Game! Get the reward!Solidity, IPFS, React, Matic, Express.js, Textile.io, Chainlink, Truffle SuiteDMon
Decentralized AR trading card game using ERC1155 with AR GameplaySolidity, Firebase, Vuforia, Matic, Unity3dBoomslang OS
A simple UNIX like single core multitasking operating system simulatorPython3Polysnap
Invoke Polywrap Wasm Wrappers on the fly, in the browser with Metamask snapsIPFS, MetaMask, PolywrapSkills