
Naqibahmed Kadri

I am a Data Science student who is encaustic and eager to learn new things.


Online Interview Analysis

Analyzing the key to interview success with Deep LearningHTML, CSS, Pitch Modulation, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) using Transformers, Natural Language Processing using CNN - BiLSTM with Embedding, Convolutional Neural Network using TensorFlow Keras, Eye Tracking using opencv ( Haar-Cascades, Anomaly Detection using Isolation Forest, Web Application Development with Flask

First Response: A project by Data Detectives

Navigating towards safetyDeep Learning, kalman filters, YOLOv8, Deepsort, Tracking and Counting

Hidden Vision -Visibility Prediction

See till your limits!!HTML, CSS, Machine Learning, Git


Machine Learning
Deep Learning


  • CEAT Tyres - Intern

    Data Science Intern
    Works on:

    • Image and Video processing and analytics.
    • Deep Learning models for the above image and video