shivam mishra

my name is shivam studing in nit surat cse branch.



It is a web app which take input from user as city and state of country and will give the air pollution level of that city.HTML, Node.js, CSS, JavaScript, Express.js


Docytrans is a webapp which helps to translate documents form one language to another language in one single step.React, JavaScript, Nodejs, Express, Bootstrap​, HBS, pdf-lib, pdf-js-extract, lib-trans-api, multiparty


Women Empowerment application, which aims to increase the ratio of women entrepreneurs as well as help get jobs to needy women like (widows) who don't have any financial aid.HTML, React, CSS, JavaScript, Redux, Dialogflow, MongoDB Atlas, Nodejs, Express, RestAPIs


It is an application to empower women. This helps in connecting Angel investors with rising women entrepreneurs. And other part of project focusses on providing jobs to widow underpriviliged women.React, JavaScript, Android Studio, Dialogflow, Express.js, MongoDB, Material-UI, Nodejs, RestAPIs, Bootstrap​

Intership Tracker

A website that gives track of internship and placement sessions on campus. A better visulaization.React, pandas, Python, CSS3, mongoose, Nodejs, HTML5​, Bootstrap​


A step towards mental and spiritual well-being !!!Node.js, Dialogflow, Google Maps API, CSS3, Vanilla JS, axios, reactjs, Kommunication


Women Empowerment application, which aims to increase the ratio of women entrepreneurs as well as help get jobs to needy women like (widows) who don't have any financial aid.HTML, React, CSS, JavaScript, Dialogflow, Express.js, MongoDB, Nodejs


Machine Learning
Web Application Development