
Nivetha Jayakumar

A fourth year B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering student specializing in Big Data Analytics at SRMIST, Chennai.



One-stop to all your career-related queries. CounselBot is a web-based application to help students make effective career choices. It is a very user-friendly platform.TensorFlow, NumPy, pandas, Bokeh, Python3, Streamlit.io

Server Police-An Anti Cyber Bullying Discord Bot

We have built a discord bot which will ensure that the conversations on our server are appropriate and meaningful ensuring no one is offended, harassed or bullied.Node.js, Python, MongoDB, Tensorflow & Keras, LSTM-Keras, discord.js


One-stop to all your career-related queries. CounselBot is a web-based application to help students make effective career choices. It is a very user-friendly platform.TensorFlow, NumPy, pandas, Bokeh, Python3, Streamlit.io


Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Big Data