
Mohit Kumar

I am a keen learner who loves solving difficult and different problems in web or software development or databases or data structure. I have created a group project name ICMS(Intelligent Crop Management System) based on the Internet of things and machine learning using C++, Arduino IDE, Netbeans IDE, VS Code, JAVA 18, Python, ThingSpeak Cloud Storage and Arduino UNO. My personal project was a bank management system which is a java swing application.



An application to revolutionize medical field by usnig technology. We optimize medical operating methods by introducing emerging technologies like Blockchain and artifical intelligence.React, web3j, React Router, IPFS / Filecoin

MoRBS( Medical Record Blockchain Storage)

Merging medicine and technologySolidity, IPFS, Web3, Ethereum, Blockchain

Car rental blockchain system

With advancing tech daily life need to catchupBootstrap, MetaMask, Ethereum TestRPC, SCSS, Web3, ERC20, React.js, Hardhat

Car rental blockchain system

We're here to get you anywhereSolidity, MetaMask, SCSS, Web3, Ethereum, React.js, Bootstrap​, Hardhat


Java Swing
Database - MySQL