A cadet by nature and a developer by passion, an open source contributor (https://github.com/MadhavBahlMD), I have been mentoring many students who want to learn programming, development and recent technologies. Being an active part of many communities, also through my own tech community, Logic Xcution, I have been contributing to make the youth of this world well versed with programming.
In the direction of making the youth well versed with technology and programming, I am currently forming my community (CodeToExpress), here are some of the links for details of the same:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/codetoexpress/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/codetoexpress/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodeToExpress/
Medium: https://medium.com/code-to-express
I am a full stack developer stepping into Machine Learning, AI and NLP. The passion of doing something good for society, helping others and developing useful products acts as the fire which ignites my soul and drives me to continue doing what I am supposed to do.
The most complex project I have worked on was the project I did as a part of my summer internship at General Motors. The project titled, "Unified Model Dashboard Development using MATLAB with
NodeJS" was basically a vehicle simulation software with backend running on MATLAB and Simulink, and frontend (initially on MATLAB itself) was made independent of MATLAB, developed using web frontend frameworks like ElectronJS, and HTML, CSS, JS, and Canvas. I learned a lot while making that project, including MATLAB, Simulink, concepts like S-Functions and C Mex S Functions, Canvas, production-level application on NodeJS, and full-stack desktop application using NodeJS and ElectronJS.
Another complex real-world project that I worked on was my internship project in Microsoft where I had to make a web application for their existing android application from scratch. The technologies I used were
Moreover, I have been doing many projects, some as the part of my curriculum, some for practice and some for hackathons.
I have pushed almost all of my projects to GitHub, Link to my GitHub profile is: https://github.com/MadhavBahlMD
My Portfolio Website: http://www.madhavbahl.tech/
Some Of My Projects:
Hackathons are a great way for learning and implementing new technologies and at the same time building something useful. Therefore, I am an active participant in hackathons. I code because I am driven by the passion of making something useful, and hackathons are a perfect stage for giving life to ideas, and hence I would like to attend this hackathon.
Student at VIT Vellore