
Lyx Rabbit

About DaClubs

DaClubs introduces a fresh take on Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), transforming them into vibrant, inclusive clubs. In these clubs, every member's voice is equally important, ensuring that financial might does not overshadow the collective movement. It's a digital embodiment of Berlin's unique vibe - where opinions, votes, and the essence of community dance together in harmony.


  • Inclusive Voting: Every member has an equal say, ensuring decisions are made democratically.
  • Decentralized Governance: Built on the LUKSO Blockchain, emphasizing fairness and community-driven initiatives.

Let's build public goods together

We're more than just a DAO; we're a movement inspired by love & unity. If you're at ETHDenver, come experience the future of decentralized communities with us. Let's re-nite under the banner of equality, love, and blockchain / DLT.

For more information, visit daClubs.

Projects Beyond Crypto for Global Good on LUKSO

This is Art, don't expect an implementation, to inspire a more holistic DAO‘s builder thinking for public goods for a better world. With concepts for using LUKSO's Universal Profiles with LSP7 & LSP8HTML5, Lot's AI tools, Meditation


Smart Contract Concepts