I am a decent MERN stack developer and a backend specialist. I am also good with typescript. Currently, I am exploring DevOps and Web3.0
POPTALK! is an application that allows users to add travel posts from social media to their bucket lists and later they can connect with people around that location and chat with them.Node.js, Express.js, PubNub, Material-UI, React.js, Supabase, Recoil, React LeafletPoW'rd
Paychecks for the decentralized economy made simpleSolidity, Node.js, ethers.js, Express.js, TypeScript, SCSS, Tailwind CSS, React.js, HardhatGuardian
Securily share and store your dev secrets with your teamNext.js, Express.js, TypeScript, Nodejs, PlanetScale, Prisma, Oclif, TurborepoUNIFI
One Wallet , Multichains , even your Grandpa approvesSolidity, JavaScript, Next.js, GraphQL, Figma, Tailwind CSS, Gnosis Safe, foundrySkills
- QAC Manipal University Jaipur - Lead Backend Developer
October 2021 - May 2022
• Developed a platform to restructure communication flow among 29 departments and cut down paperwork by 75%
• Implemented authentication using Passport.js library, having 1,400,000+ weekly downloads
• Deployed on AWS so that 800+ employees from MUJ can use the platform
- Dell - Summer Intern
May 2022 - August 2022
• Refined the MongoDB monitoring system resulting in improving the performance by 40%
• Implemented correlation between logs and 1000+ metrics reducing the time to get the summary by 50%
• Visualization of continuous stream of both logs and metrics which can be zoomed in up to 2 seconds
• Smart alert notification on Microsoft Teams, reducing minor notifications by 10%