
Kushagra Tomar

I am a Tech enthusiast, who loves to make fun stuff using Android Studio. I like creating website UI in my free time and usually participate in CP whenever I get time. I have good knowledge of** C, C++, Python, SQL, HTML yes CSS, and Tensorflow**. I have done projects related to Deep Learning too. I have good experience in Data Analysis and Visualization and thorough knowledge of Pandas, NumPy, and Sklearn.


Heartbeat Classification using ECG

This Deep Learning project takes ECG reading of the heart as an input and predicts the one among the following class Normal beats, Fusion beats, Superventricular beats, and Ventricular ectopic beats.Keras, Python, Transfer Learning, Convolutional neural network

Pneumonia Detection using Chest X-Ray

The project is based on ML & Deep Learning concepts. Users insert/uploads image of their chest X-Ray and the model predicts whether the person suffering from pneumonia or notTensorFlow, Keras, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Python, Image Processing, Convolutional neural network (CNN), Gradio


Data Analysis
Data Structures
Android Developement
Web Application Development