
Sushant Pandey

College was boring so I wrote a dissertation examining the bubble in the NFT market. As soon as I was done with my B.A.(Hons) in Economics from BHU, going for the Masters didn't seem like my thing, So instead of applying for entrances, I enrolled in Blockchain courses, added over to my basics, and started working at Xfinite(they're building Netflix for web 3, cool stuff) as a Token Design Consultant. Yeah, so I can help you design a project which creates value.

I am also a Buidler, creating a platform for web 3 communities. More secure, community tools and the best UX you could have asked for. Basically, simplifying the complexity.

You can connect with me on :
Twitter: https://twitter.com/0xsushantpandey?t=vy8Y0jBIngLCSMF7PFN9bw&s=09

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sushantpandeycv


StreaX Hub

Community Management at your fingertips!Next.js, GitHub, Twitter API, phantom.js, Vercel, React.js, Javascrip


Offline P2P payments on BASE using SMS protocolNode.js, Android Studio, REST API, Flutter, Express.js, Redis, SMS, Dart Programming Language, ether.js


Game Theory


  • Xfinite - Token Design Consultant
    August 2022 - Present