
Joel John Joseph

I take immense joy in stating that I have had many challenging experiences taking part in various events. The most intriguing experience was taking part in the Hacktober Fest where i first started to contribute to Open source community. I also been part of an Hackathon by Login Radius which boosted my experience in it. I also been a part of many of the MLH hackathons and have also won the GitHub Octocat (Mona) adding to this i also participated in HackDavis Hackathon and also won the Hackathon organized by IBM. I am also the Secretary of the student Society for Data Science in my College this exposure facilitated me to host many webinars on Data Science. I have also hosted many inter and intra college fests. II also took initiative and promoted Google analytics for the past 2 semesters. It also finds me pleasure to state that i have taken part in the IBM Big blue Hack where we created a website for a nutritional diet for aged population and also the pregnant women. Overall all this has motivated me to face all the future endeavors.



Build for the growth of agriculture and farmers.JavaScript, Flask, Heroku, HTML5, Python, CSS3, machine-learning, AI, Streamlit, API

