
Jenson Joseph

I am good in Python. I don't know a lot, but using only lists, variables, user def functions, loops, if-elses, math and random libraries and other basic stuff, I've made awesome programs like differentiating a function using chain rule and product rule (function in string), calculating real roots of any function using Newton-Raphson method and Intermediate value theorem upto desired levels of precision (provided your PC can handle more than 15 decimal places of a root), a simple game in python console (hunter), all stuffs regarding matrices (from mult of 2 matrix to inverse (3x3 matrices), and det of any nxn matrix (provided your PC can handle det of more than 10x10 matrix)), code to encrypt-decrypt any text and store them in MySQL using pymysql lib, etc. I dont know anything much except python, so though I am interested in web, app development, I am yet to learn about it.



Condensing complexity, simplifying knowledge: Your research, summarized.JavaScript, Flask, Python, BERT


C programming