Jay Nadkarni
π§ jayvnadkarni@gmail.com | π± +91 9326859765 | π LinkedIn | π» LeetCode | π GitHub
π€ Profile
Final Year Computer Engineering student at Sardar Patel Institute of Technology. Passionate about Data Science and Machine Learning; secondary Full-Stack Web Developer having data visualization skills. Proficient in data structures and algorithms; eager to apply knowledge & have a result-oriented mindset to solve real-world problems. Committed to achieving continuous growth and making impactful contributions in relevant computing paradigms.
π Education
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
- Current CGPA: 8.44
- 2021 β 2025
High School Certificate (HSC), PACE Junior Science College
- MHT-CET Percentile: 99.3
- 2019 β 2021
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), Lilavatibai Podar High School
- Percentage: 96.6
- 2009 β 2019
πΌ Professional Experience
IBM Skillsbuild Workshop CSRBOX: Online Front-End Web Development Internship
Jul 2023 β Sep 2023
- Part of a team of nine students who participated in the IBM front-end web development workshop in Mumbai.
- Worked on a charity website focused on donating resources to the underprivileged.
- Interface designed using Figma; and implemented using React.js (MaterialUI) and Bootstrap.
π οΈ Technical Skills
- Languages: Python, C++, Java, C, JavaScript (with HTML & CSS)
- Data Analysis & Visualization: Libraries: Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Tools: Tableau
- Web Development: MERN Stack, Bootstrap, Django, UI/UX: Figma, Version Control: Git, GitHub
- Machine Learning: Model Building & Gradient Boosting Libraries: SciKit Learn, XGBoost
- Database Systems: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, API Handling: Postman, REST API
- Deep Learning: Neural Networks, NLP, Markov Models, Libraries: Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch
π Certificates
- The Complete 2024 Web Development Bootcamp - Dr Angela Yu
- Deep Learning A-Z 2024: Neural Networks, AI & ChatGPT Prize - Kiril Eremenko, Hadelin de Ponteves
- Machine Learning A-Z: AI, Python & R + ChatGPT Prize [2024] - Kiril Eremenko, Hadelin de Ponteves
- PyTorch for Deep Learning Bootcamp - Andrei Neagoie, Daniel Bourke
- IBM Skillsbuild - Web Development Fundamentals
- React - The Complete Guide 2024 (incl. Next.js, Redux) - Maximilian SchwarzmΓΌller
π Achievements
Aeravat ML Hackathon
- Participated and shortlisted in the top 50 among 1000+ applicants across Maharashtra; in the IEEE organized ML hackathon at SPIT college, Mumbai.
- Interacted with mentors, teammates and successfully developed a working application within the time span.
Solved 400+ DSA problems across coding platforms
- Leetcode (200+ problems)
- Hackerrank (4 stars - Python)
- CodingNinjas (100+ problems)
- CodeForces (100+ problems)
π€ Soft Skills
- Problem-Solving
- Adaptability
- Teamwork
- Work Ethic
- Creativity