
Jay Oza

Hi, this is Jay Oza. I am a computer engineer and a data scientist and have a passion for blockchain and its development. And I actually want to know how cryptocurrency works and keen on building the algorithms which help to make this financial asset work. I have done some NFT market sentimental analysis and NFT network analysis. I am also making a cryptocurrency Web app through which we can monitor some cool and amazing crypto-coins. I have a passion for sports like football and table tennis.

Lets get to the technical skills:

  1. Languages- Python, C++, HTML, CSS
  2. Databases- MySQl, MongoDB
  3. Container- Docker
  4. Frameworks & Libraries- Flask, Django, Tensorflow, Scikit-learn, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
  5. Others- StreamLit, Heroku, MS Office(Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, PowerBI)




"Unlock the power of language with Butler.ai - your personal AI assistant for all text-related things!"Git, Python, GitHub, OpenAi, Streamlit


Data Analysis
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Data Science
Exploratory Data Analysis