
Jainil Shah

I am Student From IT Department. I am a Full Stack Developer and an ML enthusiast, working with data and getting insights from them.



You Never Fail Until You Stop Trying!Node.js, JavaScript, Machine Learning, Postman, Express.js, MongoDB, mongoose, Tailwind CSS, React.js

Resurge - Setback to Comeback!

From setback to comeback Let's rebuild togetherNode.js, Socket.IO, Express.js, MongoDB, mongoose, Tailwind CSS, React.js

Agent Trace

Empowering Cybersecurity with Comprehensive Threat Intelligence and Cross-Platform AnalysisReact, JavaScript, Flask, Selenium, Python, Tailwind CSS, ChartJs

HireUp: Elevate Futures

Unlocking Potential, Igniting Futures. Welcome to HireUp: Where talent finds its wingsMachine Learning, Selenium, Python, MongoDB, mongoose, Express, Node js, React js, material ui


Project Mangement


  • Zenix Analytics - MERN Stack Developer
    July 2022 - September 2022

    Developed a commercial project, Learning-hub that includes an interactive UI, real-time Quora-like functionality, and a great learning experience of videos from platforms such as YouTube on the Learning-hub itself.
    Worked on both front-end and back-end and delivered the project to the client.

  • TATA Advanced Systems Limited - Project Intern
    July 2023 - Present

    Developing a web app product that could be used to analyze camera recordings of a company to maintain a secure
    environment using Face recognition and Automatic Number Plate recognition.