
Wiktoria Jarema




CivicChain addresses issues with a decentralized platform using blockchain technology to improve governance, decision-making, and project managementSolidity, IPFS, Node.js, Ethereum, React.js, Polygon


In a world where environmental consciousness and ethical business practices are paramount, EcoChain emerges as a revolutionary solution to transform traditional supply chain management.HTML5, CSS3, web3.js, React.js, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Polygon Blockchain, Git (Version control), Router Nitro, JavaScript (Node.js)


CryptoTaskis a cutting-edge platform designed to streamline task management like never before. By leveraging the power of geolocation technology and blockchain innovationSolidity, IPFS, React, MetaMask, web3.js, Truffle, Ethereum Blockchain, Chakra UI


CryptoTask revolutionizes the freelance industry by introducing a decentralized task marketplace powered by blockchain technology.React, Blockchain, Chakra UI


CryptoTaskis a cutting-edge platform designed to streamline task management like never before. By leveraging the power of geolocation technology and blockchain innovationSolidity, IPFS, React, MetaMask, web3.js, Truffle, , Ethereum Blockchain, Chakra UI


"CryptoUnity" is a comprehensive blockchain integration platform aimed at uniting the crypto community .React, JavaScript, Redux, HTML5, CSS3, Biconomy, chakraui, XDC Network, Chainlink Oracle, Ankr


CryptoTaskis a cutting-edge platform designed to streamline task management like never before. By leveraging the power of geolocation technology and blockchain innovationSolidity, React, chakraui

IPFi Marketplace

IPFi Marketplace Dashboard is an interactive platform designed to revolutionize intellectual property (IP) trading and management using the Story Protocol.React.js, Chakra UI, storyprotocol, Story Protocol API, Web3.js (


HealthChain is a revolutionary platform that leverages Camp Network's blockchain technology for secure and social management of health data.Solidity, Web3.js, MetaMask, React, Chakra UI, Truffle, Ganache, Ethereum, Rinkeby Test Network, JavaScript, IndexedDB, Remix IDE, Node.js


ITUnique creates custom, high-quality websites for businesses, combining innovative design with cutting-edge technology to deliver user-friendly and visually stunning sites that drive growth.HTML, React, Node.js, CSS, JavaScript, Webpack, Git, Figma, MongoDB, Express

DiamondYield 🌟💎

DiamondYield is a cutting-edge DeFi application designed to help users unlock the full potential of their digital assets on the Diamante Net.Solidity, React, Web3, Nodejs, chakrauitemplate, diamanteblockchain

Simple DeFi Loan

The Simple DeFi Loan Platform is a decentralized application (dApp) designed to revolutionize the way loans are handled within the Bitcoin ecosystem.Solidity, React.js, Chakra UI, Rootstock network

HealthChain: Secure Healthcare Data Management

HealthChain is a revolutionary platform aimed at securely managing healthcare data by leveraging the capabilities of the blockchain.Solidity, React, JavaScript, chakraui


NexusDeFi addresses several key challenges in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, offering solutions that make it easier and safer for users to manage their digital assetsNode.js, Express.js, MongoDB, axios, React.js, Coinbase On-ramp, WalletConnect AppKit, 1inch Swaps API, Safe Smart Accounts

Artify - Decentralized Art Marketplace

Artify is an innovative decentralized platform designed to transform the digital art marketplace by leveraging cutting-edge blockchain technologies. 🚀 It offers artists a unique opportunity to reSolidity, IPFS, React, Node.js, Ethereum, web3.js, Hardhat, Polygon, Filecoin

