Sohil Luhar
Mumbai, India
The guy who loves solving problems with good design principles and best engineering practices.
Love to code like to hack!
P R O J E C T S:
Description: This system is implemented for Somaiaya College and it is a live project.
It is a web-based application and it is designed to keep
track of complaints registered. Any Somaiya student/staff can do complain. He/she have to use Somaiya mail to do complain. Complain done by the user is forwarded to the respective department. Department will take action on the complaints. The Administrator can control all the activities in the system like creating a new department, assing department, view details of all complains etc. This System able to show the reports like department-wise pending, solved, in progress complains.
This project is live on
This is a website where user can easily find lyric of neat ( poetry in praise of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad)
Health Wealth
p a web portal
that connects similar patients and helps them to
fight such tragedies in a better way. The people
who have been diagnosed with a certain illness
for a prolonged time can share their experience
and tips anonymously. Also, doctors/nutritionists
can help patients combat or suppress their
sickness by providing valuable knowledge or
Book Becho
Buy and Sell your Book at 50%
This system is implemented to buy the book at lower rates and sell the book directly to end-user to get maximum profit.
Anyone can sell his/her book.
The Smart Guardian
Description: This project is implemented for the safety concerns of the student Parent of each student gets notified about the status of the student whether he/she is on the bus or not.
This is an automated system. Facial recognition is used to detect student then the notification is sent on parent app when student arrive and departure from the school bus
Food Zaika
It is an Android Application.
Food Zaika is an online application designed primarily for use in the food delivery industry.
This system will allow hotels and restaurants to increase the scope of business by reducing the labour cost involved. The system also allows to quickly and easily managing an online menu which customers can browse and use to place orders with just a few clicks. Restaurant employees then use these orders through an easy to navigate graphical interface for efficient processing
Uber Clone
Created Uber-like app to learn flutter
Technology used Flutter
Harry Potter Book App
It is an Android Application. This app allows user to view all harry potter book.user can read Harry Potter book
through this app
The technology used: Android Studio, Firebase
Honours & Awards
Ethical Hacking Work Shop-secure 1st rank in Ethical Hacking workshop held in M H Saboo Siddik Polytechnic
Participated in National Level Project Exhibition for Food Zaika held at Universal College
Runner Up at Innovative Bloom Box
Runner Up in Documentary Film making-1st Runner in SPARK 2k18 for the Documentary Film
Second Runner Up in Ennovate'19 held at K J Somaiya College of Engineering for The Smart Guardian Project
Participate in Technical Paper Presentation INGENIUM 2k18 held at M H Saboo Siddik
Participated in SPIT Hackathon 2019
Selected in top 10 at Error404 Hackathon
Participated in Codeshastra 6.0 hackathon held at D J Sanghvi
1st At RGIT Hackathon
11.1st Rank at TSEC Hackathon