
Hrushikesh Kachgunde

Hi I am a ML and coding Enthusiast. I love to code and build awesome technologies to have fun with. I have worked a lot on image classification models and still working on it. I am more interested in AI which will shape the world in future. I am joining this hackathon to know more people and gain a lot from them and hence enhance my knowledge. Really looking forward to this.

Visit my Github profile at - Hrushi11
Know more about me on my website - Hrushikesh Kachgunde


Brain Tumor Detection

Detecting and localizing brain tumor from a MRI image of a patient.TensorFlow, OpenCV, scikit-image, Streamlit

Brain Tumor Detection

Detecting tumor in human brain using image segmentation.TensorFlow, OpenCV, Matplotlib, scikit-image, Streamlit


Detects type of skin in real time.TensorFlow, OpenCV, Python, Mediapipe

Bird Species Recognition

Bird Species recognition is a CNN model which classifies 275 classes of birds with a test accuracy of 98.10%.TensorFlow, NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, Python

Pneumonia Detection

Pneumonia detection Machine learning model that predicts whether a person is suffering from pneumonia or not, looking at the X=ray images of the lungs.TensorFlow, scikit-learn, NumPy, Matplotlib, Python

Chat Spammer

Python bot of control able loop to spam in chats. Works on all kinds of chat systems. Please make sure to consult the victim before using this.Python

