
Hrishabh Sharma

I am a problem solver, open-source contributor, developer, and hackathon lover with a specialization in tech stacks related to Blockchain and Web-Dev.
With these interests, I have completed Google Summer of Code 2020 under BRL-CAD, though working on CAD software.

In addition, I have worked as an Undergrad Research Intern at IIT Kharagpur under Dr.Sandip Chakraborty on a Blockchain and Cloud-Computing based project.
During the role, I architected a Blockchain Network, wrote efficient smart contracts, and created a mini data-center over computing resources available for research in the lab.

I have also worked on various Self-projects and have participated in many hackathons like WRC Global Blockchain Hackathon, Hackverse, DotSlash, I_Hack: IIT Bombay, Rajasthan Hackathon(Online), etc and secured positions as “2nd Runner Up” in WRC Global Blockchain Hackathon organized by World Bank Group: Water and “Winner: First Prize” in 36 hrs Online Hackathon Organised by “Rajasthan Gov.” and also able to reach the finals by making out place in TOP-5 in “DotSlash 2.0” organized in NIT Surat.

And about the reason for why this hackathon should accept us,
I am a problem solver and fun-loving and love to make present technology useful for a great cause and innovate and experiment with them is my hobby.
Also, I with my Team have participated in hackathons before and have won one of them. We have developed perseverance, confidence, and a habit to work as a team in the most perfect manner, and will love to give the world a better place to live. Hackathons like this give us the best way to showcase our knowledge and ideas.



Decentralized competitive coding arena and competitive roomsjQuery, Ganache CLI, Rinkeby, AJAX, Heroku, Judge0 API


A decentralized SOS triggering service for medical emergencies,which will ensure fair allocation of the nearest hospital having availability ,to the person in need , in minimum time.React, Node.js, Express.js


TLR is an easy USER focused app, to allow them to report crimes on the spot, and get incentivised for that. Build over Blockchain and Machine Learning it leverages the crime reporting facility.Node.js, MetaMask, Dagger, Machine Learning, Natural language processing (NLP), Matic, Ethereum, Ganache, web3.js, Truffle Suite


Hyperledger Fabric