Hello I am Hasnain sayyed, I am web developer and an app developer you can find more about me on hasnain-sayyed.me
Office and Shop Space Renting platform.Firebase, Cloudinary, Flutter, Material-UI, Python FlaskEduTube
Get certified to watch YouTube!Firebase, Flask, Dart, Flutter, Youtube Playlists API, material uiEdutube
Get certified for watching youtube playlist courses.Firebase, Flask, FlutterEduTube
Get certified to watch YouTube!Firebase, Flask, Dart, Flutter, Youtube Playlists API, Material-UIEduTube
Get certified to watch YouTube!Firebase, Flask, Dart, Flutter, Youtube Playlists API, Material-UI, Firebase AuthenticationReachMe
Decentralized social media platform.Firebase, MetaMask, SCSS, MERN stack, Rarible, moralisGoalTube
Get certified by watching youtubeFirebase, JavaScript, Flask, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Flutter, Youtube Playlists API, Material-UI, HTML/CSSReachMe
Decentralized social media platform.Firebase, MetaMask, SCSS, MERN stack, Rarible, moralisSentiment-Analysis using ML in Flask
A sentiment anaylyser / classifier to avoid negativity rather creating a healthy social interactionMachine Learning, scikit-learn library, HTML/CSS, Python FlaskBlockieChain
Unlock the power of BlockchainSolidity, React, Node.js, MetaMaskBlockieChain
Unlock the power of blockchain!Solidity, React, MetaMask, NodejsFracFT
Unlock the power of shared ownership with Fractional NFT trading.Solidity, Firebase, MetaMask, WebGL, Three.JS, Web3, MERN stack, Tailwind CSS, Polygon, moralisSkills