
Harsha Johny

Myself Harsha Johny. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in Electronics and Biomedical Engineering from Govt. Model Engineering College, Thrikkakara.
I am a passionate coder and designer who wishes to dive deeper into coding and explore the opportunities that it holds. I aspire to become a game developer so that I could include my creativity alongside coding in it or an ethical hacker as it seems really intriguing. I am a state-level finalist in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, a UN Millennium Fellow 2021 and I have won a number of accolades in hackathons and competitions related to other fields.
I wish to improve myself in all the fields that I am interested in.



Bloombot, a virtual assistant, retrieves web3 learning materials in one click. Using push chat, wallet sign-in, and biconomy, we improve web3 resources and provide personal interaction.Biconomy, Push Protocol


Chain-Aid is a blockchain-based donation platform that allows individuals and organizations to easily donate to causes they care about, in the most transparent way ever.HTML, Bootstrap, React, CSS, JavaScript, Chainlink, Hardhat, Polygon


Unlock the Power of Engagement in your eventsReact, TypeScript, Ethereum, ChartJs, Ceramic Network


Blockchain Development
HTML, CSS , bootstrap