
Vanshika Moyal

I am Vanshika, I took engineering as I was really fond of mathematics. Currently, I am learning DSA and I’m loving it. I like to explore different fields of Computer science including web development and database management. The insides of algorithms and techniques fascinates me and I am looking forward to have a deep knowledge of them.
In web development, I have designed an E-Commerce web application to expand marketing of small businesses using Node.js along with its web application framework, React.js, Express.js and MongoDB to store data. I have also created dynamic weather website using Node.js and using OpenWeatherMap API which accesses current weather data for any location by calling city name.
In a recent Code to Give Hackathon by Morgan Stanley, I enlightened the idea of integrating WhatsApp bot with web-chatbot engine which is the most prominent in present time. Contrary to the tech stacks I am familiar with, here I challenged myself by exploring and learning NLP and Deep Learning. Thus, I am always open to adapt and learn new technologies and keep enhancing my skills.


BuzzWomen Bot

An AI enabled chatbot that simulates human-like conversations with users to do business counselling for low-income women entrepreneurs from rural areas.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, TensorFlow, Python, Twilio, NTLK, DL, NLP

